Active Application

We use the Phonetic Alphabet that NYC police officers use, which is half of an effort to distinguish our dolls from the dolls on the show and half of an effort to pay homage to the place our RPG is set in.  To view a list of the New York Phonetic Alphabet, including open and taken ones, please visit THIS page.

To apply, copy the following Application, paste into an e-mail, erase the parenthesis, and answer the questions.
1. Name:
2. Age:
3. Time Zone:
4. E-mail:
5. AIM:

1.  Doll name:
2.  Real name:
3. Alias/Nickname: (if any)
4.  Age/Date of Birth:
5. Sexual Orientation:
6.  Played by:
7. Any significant marks? (birthmarks, scars, etc.)
8. Any family?
9.  Status: (only one of three answers are needed: active, sleeper or attic dweller)
10.  If your doll is a sleeper, explain why.
11.  Back story? (no less than 2 paragraphs, please)
12. How did this person become a doll? (no less than 2 paragraphs, please)
13.  Personality before becoming a doll? (no less than 1 paragraph, please)
14.  What kinds of assignments does this doll usually get used for and why?
15.  Do you have any ideas as to where you want to take this character? (this is by no means a binding statement… just wanna make sure you have ideas for him or her)
16.Describe your character in three words.

1. Anything else you wanna add?
2. Do you think this application is a good display of your writing ability, and the best of your ability?  We will be going off your writing quality by the content of this applicaiton.
3. Where did you find us?  Who recruited you?  Who can we thank?
4. Have you tried to drag your friends in?  :)